Pura Jungla is Hope

Pura Jungla is a 97 hectare (approximately 250 acre) property, with topography of valleys, mountains mostly covered by jungle with an interior seasonal lake. Approximately fifty percent of the property is designated as a Conservation Area / Nature Reserve. This Conservation Area supports an intact, complete fauna and flora ecosystem, allowing nature the opportunity to flourish.
Over the years, many of the neighboring properties have joined Pura Jungla in this successful conservation initiative. There are approximately 1,000 hectares in total (2,500 acres) of regenerating forests in the surrounding area, combined with low density development. This area has become a nature species bank, which allows Pura Jungla a dense wildlife population.

Trees Planted
Web Designer 85%
Species Documented
Web Designer 75%
Mammals and Birds
Web Designer 84%

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Pura Jungla has been developing properties in Costa Rica for the last 30 years with sustainability and responsibility to Mother Nature and all her inhabitants without compromising the needs of our investors.


Pura Jungla, S.A.
Paraiso, Guanacaste
Costa Rica   50301

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